PUBG Lite Has No Bots


As of late, PUBG chose to present bots in the game, as there weren't sufficient as of now. This announcement from PUBG got a great deal of negative input on the grounds that no player likes the game when they're battling bots. In any case, that isn't the situation with PUBG Lite, which has very nearly zero bots.

PUBG Lite is an allowed to-play rendition of the game for frameworks with low particulars. Everything in PUBG Lite is like the first PUBG game, with the exception of the designs, yet that is reasonable given that it's the "Light" rendition of PUBG.

As of late, WackyJacky, a mainstream decoration, gave a shot PUBG Lite, believing that he would discover a ton of bots meandering in Sanhok. In any case, amazingly, he didn't discover even a solitary bot in the game. He proceeded to take 23 executes, and every one of them was genuine players.

In the event that WackyJacky wasn't sufficient, at that point another well-known decoration, The Average Sniper, additionally had a comparative involvement in PUBG Lite. In a 10-minute-long PUBG Lite interactivity video, The Average Sniper clarifies how he purposely let his watchman down against different players believing that they were bots.

All through the match, each and every rival The Average Sniper experienced, gives him a crazy measure of harm, which is impossible with bots.

In this way, shockingly, much the same as WackyJacky, The Average Sniper didn't discover any bots in PUBG Lite either.

It is anything but a fortuitous event that two expert decorations didn't discover any bots in PUBG Lite. It's protected to state that the designers are planning something to improve the game.

By the by, we can't be certain beyond a shadow of the doubt until we experience the equivalent while playing PUBG Lite. What's more, in the event that this thing looks at, at that point possibly it's an ideal opportunity to move from the first PUBG game to PUBG Lite.

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